Thursday, September 13, 2012

Marvelous Math Minutes


The math curriculum is broken down into five math strands; Number Sense, Data Management & Probability, Measurement, Geometry and Patterning & Algebra.  Each morning we use our SMART Board to review basic concepts from the different strands with a Notebook we call Marvelous Math Minutes.  The special friend of the day leads the class in these routines.  We start out each morning reviewing our "Golden Rule," RESPECT.

Look at some of the math concepts we have been working on already.  We are reviewing basic number formation and have some poems to help us out.  We have been working on repeating patterns and remembering the order of the days of the week and months of the year.  We learned  how to make a tally graph so we can keep track of how many days we have been at school.  (On the 100th day we have a big party!!)  We have made a bar graph with our names and used a Venn Diagram with our brothers and sisters data.  We are reviewing the names and values of coins and are learning about place value and how to find numbers quickly on a 100 chart.  Yes we have been very busy!

Here is a link to a website that reviews some basic calendar routines as well.

Lise Fellbaum

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