Monday, May 13, 2013

Andrew the Fisherman


Andrew did a presentation about his first fishing experience at his cottage in Ottawa.  The lake is called White Lake.  Andrew used his first Lightning McQueen fishing pole to catch a sunfish.  Now he uses a bigger rod to catch fish.  Fishing is his favourite thing to do.  Andrew's classmates really enjoyed looking at the pictures and videos of Andrew's first fish.  Since we have become very good at procedural writing we wrote about the fishing procedure.

First you have to find a worm. 
Then you have to put the worm on the hook.
Next you cast the hook from the fishing rod into the water.
After that you wait for the fish to bite your worm.   
You will feel a tug and a wiggle when a fish has bitten your worm.
Next you reel in your line.
Finally you have caught a fish.

Thanks Andrew!

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